A third young person came to see me this week with stories like this. This particular person had had birth control shots that backfired … and resulted in multiple yeast infections and other problems. Which resulted in many rounds of antibiotics and anti-fungals. Which resulted in even more problems. And a switch to another doctor. Who was trying her best but still couldn’t figure it out. Until she literally landed on my doorstep.
I … Too … Needed an Alternative/Functional Health Solution
It reminded me of my own journey. Most of us alternative practitioners have one. A turn of medical events that have eventually led us toward alternative beliefs and behaviors. But mine happened very early on … more than 20 years before my first experiences with healing diets and supplement therapy.
I haven’t thought of this for many, many years. But, when I was in my early 20s, I had an IUD inserted. Which resulted in multiple infections. Which resulted in almost a year of increasing doses of antibiotics. Which resulted in, understandably, progressive problems with digestion (as the antibiotics had all but decimated, as I found out years later, all the friendly bacteria that keep our digestive and immune systems running smoothly) and even worse issues.
I remember that my ex-husband left a Christmas tree outside my door. Born Jewish, I had only discovered Christmas when I moved away from home less than 10 years before. And had had a tree … totally decked out creatively and differently … every year since then.
He left it because I had called him earlier (we maintained a friendship for years until he found someone better suited to him) hysterical! After a year of pain and lots of medication, my doctor now told me I should have a hysterectomy. At 27! I opted not to. Which was a good decision. Eventually. But left me open to massive digestive problems. As well as massive emotional issues.
Issues that understandably resolved almost the moment I went through menopause. And my emotions suddenly righted themselves. Again, another piece of the puzzle that I would figure out later. That’s why my logo ultimately became a puzzle piece.
Solving the Functional Puzzle
If you believe in synchronicity and destiny, it may have been then preordained that I stumbled into a relationship with someone who intimately knew Harvey and Marilyn Diamond when the book, Fit for Life, boldly burst into the consciousnesses of those seeking healthier solutions. And landed on the list of the 25 most-sold books ever.
I troubleshot huge seminars for them. And saw firsthand how healthy diets healed people. Diets based upon a 150-year-old idea that was a violent reaction to almost barbaric (sound similar?) medical practices of bleeding people and shutting them up in dark rooms with no water. Redefined practices that entailed a return to a Paleolithic diet (also sound similar?) of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds in a raw state. And not combining proteins and carbohydrates to take the onus off digestion. I even made my own food combining chart that sold modestly and depicted … of all things … puzzle pieces that did and didn’t fit (I didn’t realize that EITHER until just now).
My quest for the truth led me to become a Registered Dietitian (nee Nutritionist) but, when I found that my training embraced the medical model instead of what I learned at the Diamonds’ knee, I started looking for alternative training. And found it piecemeal in the days before the now many courses, some of them taught by people I’ve worked with and respect, were available.
My training has not stopped … as there sadly isn’t a course for some of the newest issues, like SIBO, Candida, and Parasites. Been there … done that before as it takes years and years for the medical model to catch up. While problems like autoimmune diseases are markedly on the rise. But they DO all fit within the Functional model. And, therefore, make sense to me. As a matter of fact, my whole journey in Alternative Medicine is to put those proverbial pieces together so that they form an idea that makes sense to me. Which brings us back to our 21-year-old.
Assessing the Problem with the 21-Year-Old
OK … I’m donning my puzzle-piece-bedecked hat for you to tell you what I think is going on here. My client had a reaction to the birth control shot for whatever reason. Which caused an imbalance and allowed yeast (AKA candida) to grow. Which got compounded, just like my own IUD problems, by bouts and bouts of antibiotics and antifungals. Which kill off just about every beneficial bacteria you can think of in your body. Which leaves the field wide open for more pesky candida, yeast, and even parasites to grow unhindered.
Does this make sense to you? Because it definitely does to me. Not only do they grow unhindered, but they build these elaborate structures called biofilms to hide in. As well as block pathways, like bile ducts, urinary exits (hence the overgrowth there) and such, so that nothing can budge them. Not only that, they even have mechanisms that can ward off antibiotics, which may be why the antibiotics and antifungals didn’t initially work for my client. See what pesky lil’ critters they are?
So where are we at? I started her on what I call a “Candida-Busting” diet. And soon we’ll test her for candida and parasites. I once read an article lambasting Alternative Medicine where the author cited too many tests as one of the reasons for his disdain. Gotta tell you that traditional testing doesn’t seek out the things we test for. Some of my clients will even pay the fee for these tests instead of going to their doctors because they’re so specific for certain conditions that most doctors don’t test for; some are, however, beginning to be covered partially (if iffy) by some insurances.
After we get back test results, I will treat her with natural substances targeted to her specific condition. We’ll go slow with these treatments as we’re healing systems, not symptoms. No magic pill here. And I also take into consideration their mental and emotional states … in other words, what they’re willing to do and how far they’re willing to go. I may even run further tests or refer her to functional MDs that specialize in her particular condition.
Treating alternatively has to be thought of as a journey. One undertaken together by both the client and the practitioner. Otherwise it just won’t work. The following closed one of my talks a while ago. See, even Thomas Edison, the inventor of the light bulb, got it right over 100 years ago …
The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.
Leave Your Comments about Why Am I SOOO Sick? (And I’m Only 21) Below
Have you had a similar experience with conventional treatment? If you did, please share it here. What do you think of the fact that more and more people are suffering from conditions like the one I talked about?
For the last 9.years I have suffered a spectrum of issues that seemed to have started with my thyroid. I’m 64 years old and noticed many issues with gut galbladder and food sensitivity. Because traditional drs. Just wanted to run tests and put me on antidepressants. I started reseaching for myself and came to conclusion I probably had leaky gut.
I have not gone to a natropath because of cost so have not had tests but trial and error has shown me that the rigjt suppliments diet physical activity and emotional support has improved my life greatly. I totaly agree that this type of regime is a journey and no magic pill . Now my 21 year old daughter is having issues and trying to help her.
This rings so true, it hurts. I have been suffering from myriad recurring and chronic issues that not a one conventional doctor has been able to even remotely treat. I’m on, and have been on, so many different medications that had horrible side effects that required additional medications and antibiotics to counteract. I am constantly nauseous, plagued with chronic headaches and chronic lower back pain. Growing up as a child, I was exposed to mold from ages 5-15 and several years thereafter in my adolescence and adulthood (thanks to slumlords and shady housing laws). I was recently exposed again and experienced a hypersensitivity that manifested in various ways and still has yet to abate. When I asked my doctor to consider checking for SIBO, Candida, autoimmune disorders, etc. he just looked at me blankly and wrote me another prescription. My doctors think I’m crazy. I live in a conservative state (KS) and there are very few alternative or functional medicine practitioners. I feel so lost and miserable and hopeless because for years and years, it seems no one can help me. I don’t know where to start.
I don’t think you’re crazy at all! Most of my clients have similar stories. I DO work virtually if you would like to talk with me … starting January 1st I’m charging for a “prescription” session but until then they’re absolutely FREE. Click here to schedule one with me. But I’m going to warn you … doctors not only don’t know about these things … they’re sometimes harming people by prescribing huge does of antibiotics. We CAN get you well but insurance doesn’t pay for anything I do … YET! Would love to talk with you …
I agree … we’re at a time when autoimmune diseases are rampant, doctors don’t know how to treat them, and what I do has to be totally out-of-pocket so it IS costly. Brava to you for figuring it out … that’s what we all had to do when doctors didn’t provide answers. Would love to talk with your daughter … not surprised that she has the “same issues” as genetic predispositions are part of the key. Click here to schedule a FREE session with me by the end of the month … I’m charging beginning January 1st.