Welcome, fellow health explorers, to “Unmasking the Mysterious World of Your Gut” where we embark on a delightful journey through the intriguing realm of your digestion. We delve into the myriad ways we casually use sayings like “gut feeling” in our daily lives … puzzling why this mysterious …
Take a BITE Out of Healthy Eating
Here's Part TWO of my vlogs about why it's so hard to change your mind about eating healthy, Take a BITE Out of Healthy Eating. CLICK HERE to listen to the first part, You Can Lead a Person to Good Eats … BUT …. It’s not necessary but may shed some light upon why you find it so hard to change …
You Can Lead a Person to Good Eats … BUT
Changing what you eat can be really tough. You're used to certain foods, and they're a big part of your daily routine and how you celebrate things. Trying to change what you do every day can be as hard as eating more when you've just devoured a whole gallon of ice cream! There's also a lot of …