By Dietitian Jill Place I promised you a peek into what I recommend for most of my clients who have leaky gut. More than 80% of us do … and leaky gut can be around even if you don’t have blatant symptoms. Like constipation, diarrhea, GERRRRD, and other digestive problems. I recommend this …
Dairy Free
Stock Your Inner and Outer House
By Dietitian Jill Place OK ... here we go. If you've read the first part of this (and please do before you go on), you know we've cleaned out our pantry. And are ready to stock it with great gut-healing stuff. And have the second page of the "Cleaning Out Your Pantry" list (if you didn't pick …
Wanna Go Dairy Free?
By Dietitian Jill Place Years ago, when I had just begun my nutrition journey, I ran huge seminars for Harvey and Marilyn Diamond. At the time, they were the authors of the book, Fit for Life. And ... at the time, the book was red HOT ... and on the list of the 25 most-sold-ever books, along …