By Dietitian Jill Place t OK .,. let's get down and dirty here and actually PLAN OUT your VERY FIRST Health Self-Experiment. My apologies to those who have been dabbling in these for a long time. But I think I've come up with a format that will work well for you whether you're a fledgling or a …
Leaky Gut
Magic Pill Mindset BEGONE!
By Dietitian Jill Place We were both in pain! But my colleague said to me "I tried one antibiotic, and it didn't work. Then my doctor gave me another ... and it did!" I didn't tell her that antibiotics didn't work on the probable virus she had. As they're only good for bacterial infections. …
What IS Histamine Intolerance?
By Dietitian Jill Place It’s one of the biggest BUZZES in alternative healthcare today. And I noticed that the pins on my Pinterest Histamine Intolerance board are the most repinned of all. One of my clients called me a genius for suggesting that it was what ailed her. But … do you know what …