Announcing a whole NEW recipe category ... Fab 'N Fast Beauty. And the very first in this category ... Green Tea Face Mask.
Truth be told I've been making my own roll-ons, toners, and face creams for years. As I've been entranced with essential oils for their healing properties.
And ... quite frankly ... almost every manufactured cream ... or for that matter ... anything you put on your body and in your hair ... has preservatives and other ingredients I can't pronounce. So we're adding that poisonous crap to the imaginary bucket of toxins ... along with the growing environmental ones ... inside us.
And when that imaginary bucket overflows ... leaky gut and resulting health conditions ensue. Did I ever tell you that Irritable Bowel Syndrome ... a term that doctors use because they don't know what what the H ... is going on with your gut ... is the NUMBER ONE reason people go to doctors today?
So I'm not surprised that it is because ... when you add together the toxic stuff from the environment ... and the plastic-fantastic chemical food we eat ... AND the things we put on our bodies ... that bucket must be overflowing for many of us!
That's why I make as many of the things I put on my body as pure and healing as I can. And purchase as much hypoallergenic makeup as I can to keep that toxic bucket from overflowing.
Because ... truth be told again ... I LOVE my makeup. I wanted to be a studio makeup artist when I got out of college.
OK ... enough about me. Let's talk about this FABULOUS face mask. This is actually a new addition to my DIY cosmetics. But ... when I noticed the other day that my 78 year-old face was actually glowing ... I just HAD to share it with you first.
The squalane oil in it is ultra-moisturizing. And has anti-inflammatory properties that may help reduce redness and swelling in acne and even other skin conditions like eczema. Green tea is also anti-inflammatory and has been known to calm skin redness like rosacea.
I used squalane oil with vitamin E added ... but you can add a little too as a preservative if yours doesn't. And the beeswax is for stability.
I brush this on every night before I go to sleep. I've been using it for only a couple of weeks and already notice the difference. Thank you to for a terrific idea.
And another terrific idea that they gave me was a Turkish coffee pot. I bought a stainless steel one for less than $15 on Amazon and it's ideal for these DIY-double-boiler cosmetic projects as it seems to hold about 1 1/2 cups of liquid. So save your double-boiler for food recipes.
I call this Fab 'N Fast because ... like most of these ... it takes minutes to prepare and has only 4 ingredients (3 if you use oil with vitamin E). It DOES ... however ... need some time in the fridge to firm up.
So ... GLOW ... I KNOW you will!
The very first of my Fab 'N Fast Beauty DIY recipes, this Green Tea Face Mask ... which you can sleep in ... will make your morning ... and face ... GLOW!

Using a double boiler, or a Turkish coffee pot, combine squalane, beeswax, and matcha powder over medium heat. I use my smallest pan filled halfway with water for the coffee pat.
Stir frequently (my coffee pot came with a wooden spoon) to allow the beeswax to melt and hold the mixture at medium heat for at least 5 minutes to make sure it's completely liquified. This will also infuse the matcha powder into your mask.
Once it's liquified, add the vitamin E oil if it's not in the squalane oil and stir to combine. Remove from heat ASAP.
Pour the mask into small cosmetic jar or other container.
Immediately put your mask in the fridge to harden for at least 30 minutes. Leaving it out can result in a lumpy or grainy product.
One the mask is hardened, it can be stored at room temperature. Brush a clean face and neck with the mask using a cosmetic brush. Leave on overnight. Wash brush in warm, soapy water and store.
Using a double boiler, or a Turkish coffee pot, combine squalane, beeswax, and matcha powder over medium heat. I use my smallest pan filled halfway with water for the coffee pat.
Stir frequently (my coffee pot came with a wooden spoon) to allow the beeswax to melt and hold the mixture at medium heat for at least 5 minutes to make sure it's completely liquified. This will also infuse the matcha powder into your mask.
Once it's liquified, add the vitamin E oil if it's not in the squalane oil and stir to combine. Remove from heat ASAP.
Pour the mask into small cosmetic jar or other container.
Immediately put your mask in the fridge to harden for at least 30 minutes. Leaving it out can result in a lumpy or grainy product.
One the mask is hardened, it can be stored at room temperature. Brush a clean face and neck with the mask using a cosmetic brush. Leave on overnight. Wash brush in warm, soapy water and store.
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