Paleo Caramel Apple CrispWafting of caramel-apple goodness and Paleo to boot ... this Caramel Apple Crisp is a must for any plain or fancy holiday table.
Good Gut PuddingGood Gut Pudding, A STRONG GUT SOLUTION, is not only chock-ful of gut-friendly things like avocado and cacao. It's healing and hedonistic too!
The Queen’s HandwichA blast from my "Fit for Life" past, these delectable, multi-textured Paleo wraps can not only revive your veggie-love, they can give you all the daily servings you need to keep you healthy and kickin"!
Bluesy-Cheesy Cherry-Chix Paleo WrapSuper Bluesy-Cheesy Cherry-Chix Wrap has gone Paleo! Plant-based Bleu Cheese and grain-free tortillas make these a slam-dunk taste-tastic meal or snack.
Shrubs: A Fermented Food SolutionFermented foods are a gut-healing panacea! Shrubs are basic ferments, easy to make, and these recipes are also Paleo-friendly. Eat (uh ... drink) 'em UP!